April 1


Pay $1.10 For a Large Pizza from Domino’s Pizza (We calculate for you)

By Money Saving Daddy

You just need to pay $1.10 for a Large Pizza from Domino's Pizza.

Valid from 01 April to 04 April 2019.

But wait!! Read the T&C.

It says valid with every regular pizza à la carte purchase!

So we very curious how much can we save in this case. We all know that Domino's pizza always sell in Pairs and you get to enjoy good discount.

1 à la carte regular pizza = $24.90

So with you get 1 regular + 1 large pizza for $24.90 + $1.10 = $26

Vs Ongoing Promotions

2 Regular = $22
So 1 regular = $11

2 Large = $33
1 Large = $16.50

So 1 large + 1 regular = $16.50 + $11 = $27.50

Total Savings: $1.50 if you order this $1.10 large pizza.

Okay, this is a deal if you are ordering during the peak hours. If not you can order this.

Another Happy Hour Promotion

Simple maths: $10 + $15 = $25

So cheaper than $26. 

Your choice hor!

How to order the $1.10 pizza

Promo code: EMTW2

*T&Cs apply

1. Valid from 01 April to 04 April, 2019
2. Online ordering only
3. For take-away and delivery only
4. Surcharge may apply

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Money Saving Daddy

About the author

Hello Everyone! This is Don, sharing my journey here to find the most value buy. Not the cheapest, but making the best value of your dollar. :)

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