April 29


Get Ready for a Tasty Treat: The Yakiniku Burger is Here for Free!

By Money Saving Daddy

Have you ever heard about the Yakiniku Burger? 

It's a new burger that McDonald's introduced, and guess what?

You can try it out for absolutely FREEEEE!

Don't say BO JIO k?

If you missed the chance to get it from their vending machine, don't sweat it.

McDonald's has another cool offer for you.

On April 29th, between 3 pm and 4 pm, all you have to do is visit any McDonald's place and share a secret code with the person taking care of you, called the Guest Experience Leader/Manager.

So what's this secret code?

It's "YAKINIKU HAKKU" — "hakku" means "hack" in Japanese!

When you say this code, you'll get something special: a Be Our Guest card.

This isn't just any card; it lets you have a Yakiniku Burger for free!

That's right, you can enjoy this delicious burger without paying a single cent.

But, you've got to hurry because this offer is only available while they've got them in stock, and it's for a limited time.

Remember, the offer's terms and conditions apply, so make sure you understand those.

So, mark your calendars for the 29th of April (today!), set a reminder for 3 pm, and get ready to say "YAKINIKU HAKKU!" to enjoy the yumminess of the Yakiniku Burger.

Don't miss out on this delicious opportunity!

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Money Saving Daddy

About the author

Hello Everyone! This is Don, sharing my journey here to find the most value buy. Not the cheapest, but making the best value of your dollar. :)

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