April 1


Most Value for Money: Baby Formula Milk Powder

By Money Saving Daddy

One day I was shopping at NTUC. So naturally, will check the prices of the products.

As our little one is already past 6 months, she is on stage 2 milk powder already.

Previously, we also posted an article about how to get cheap milk powder. But this time, this Fairprice Gold Baby Formula Milk powder really win hands down.

Price win, value also win.

I saw this Fairprice gold stage 1 formula milk powder at $29.

I was thinking:

"Wah so cheap meh"

So, I take and look at their nutritious content. Wah Piang this one power.

I compared their facts with other milk powder. Out of 8 categories, they will 6 leh! Super value buy.

Than again, giving that this is a Housebrand. Would you buy this?

So another look at the fairprice online site, this milk powder is sold out. Given such a strict regulation, maybe if your baby is on formula milk. You may want to try this if you always have budget concerns.

If not, breast milk is still the best.

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Money Saving Daddy

About the author

Hello Everyone! This is Don, sharing my journey here to find the most value buy. Not the cheapest, but making the best value of your dollar. :)

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