April 28


Grabfood $9.99 Food Plan Really No More Liao! :(

By Money Saving Daddy

Now is confirmed confirmed. RIP Grabfood Plan $9.99.

We need to say good bye to our super good deal GrabFood $9.99 Food plan. ($7.99 food plan was the best imo though)

Although they say they got informed via app and email on 25th March 2020.

And there are a lot more GrabFood customers not aware also. 

Is never check or not aware?

Many posted on Grabfood Facebook page to voice out their unhappiness.

Very angry sio.

But this is a promotional food plan to acquire customers what. Similar to your telco plan, no contract means can change anytime what?

First you ask them to lower their commission. Then you ask them to keep the $9.99 Food plan.

Then how to survive? 

Do charity ah? 

Actually this is a sooner or later thing one. And especially during CB period, they will lose more money.

We did a calculation previously on how much they are losing if you are using the  $9.99 Grabfood plan.

The $7.99 Grabfood plan confirm lost a lot money because there is no minimum order.

They also added in a platform fee 20cents on 27th March.

Bleed Even More

And now during the CB period, more people will use the Food delivery platform. They will bleed even more. 

You think lah. $9.99 for 50 deliveries. Means you are paying 20 cents per delivery leh. They need to pay the delivery riders from the 30% commission. You can refer here for the calculation.

Last time buy Mcd delivery, delivery $4 you also never kp. Now they only discontinue the Foodplan. You still can order your food, just pay delivery only. BBT $4 - $5 can buy but delivery $3 - $5 don't want to pay.

But of course, if got good deal who don't want right?

We have been following GrabFood since they launched. Their $1 Deal, their $7.99 Food plan. All I got hoot!

That time good deal never see you complain so cheap?

Delivery Rider Affected

Actually the delivery rider is the most sad case one. From PMD case, to commission dispute and now with the Grabfood plan pang kang. The deliveries may get affected.

Like that cannot hit personal best of the $7000+ liao.

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Money Saving Daddy

About the author

Hello Everyone! This is Don, sharing my journey here to find the most value buy. Not the cheapest, but making the best value of your dollar. :)

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