December 9


Reasons Why You Should Swaddle Your Baby

By Money Saving Daddy

When you swaddle your baby, it's much easier getting them to sleep. The snug feeling calms your baby and gives them a sense of security.

Your baby is able to better regulate their heartbeat and breathing and this helps them to sleep more soundly.

When they sleep more soundly, you sleep more soundly too.

It's also much easier to keep them swaddled and asleep when they're in the swaddle. 

What are the benefits of swaddling your baby? 

There are a number of benefits for swaddling your baby, including helping with the development of your baby's vestibular system, and reducing the risk of SIDS.

Swaddling also can keep your baby from waking up as often at night to feed, and help him/her sleep longer and better through the night, which can help you get more sleep, too!

Swaddling Your Baby To Help Your Baby's Vestibular System Develop

In order for the vestibular system to work properly, the input from the sense organ, the semicircular canals, and the visual and auditory pathways must be integrated. The vestibular system plays a crucial role in the normal development of a baby's motor, auditory, 

What are some reasons you would use to convince others to swaddle their babies?

1) A cozy and warm sleep environment can help your baby sleep longer during the night, promoting healthy sleep patterns, which can help your baby grow and develop while reducing the risk of SIDS.

2) Swaddling can help reduce your baby's startle reflex early on, which can help prevent colic in later months.

3) Swaddling helps promote self-soothing, which will help your baby sleep longer and more efficiently, as well as have better moods and comfort levels by reducing the risk of sleep disruptions.

4) Swaddling helps regulate breathing patterns, which can greatly help your baby's health.

5) Swaddling helps aid in digestion by reducing the risk of intestinal gas accumulation.

What are some harmful effects of not swaddling your baby?

As your baby sleeps, they have natural movements that can sometimes cause parents to worry. This can create sleepless nights.

Among these movements, a baby can kick their legs, stretch their arms, or move around.

In order to stop your baby from breaking free from the swaddle, or waking up realizing that their legs are free, you need to swaddle your baby tightly. This will prevent the free movement of your baby's extremities.

Mothers of newborns have reported that the swaddling not only encourages sleep, but it calms their babies when they are fussy.

One of the most common reasons infants are fussy is from an upset stomach. This can be originated from food they ate a while ago. 

How can swaddling help with sleep? 

Swaddling is a common practice among many cultures which provides an effective way to soothe a fussy or colicky baby.

Babies usually love being swaddled and feel comforted by being able to suck on their fists without much interference. Swaddling is similar to the in womb experience.

Swaddling is accomplished by dressing the baby in a blanket or receiving blanket, such that the baby's extremities are wrapped and are at least partially constrained. There are many techniques for swaddling, with some wrapped very intricately.

 Swaddling is meant to simulate the hygienic conditions at home when the baby is in the womb.

Swaddling has been proven to reduce the risks of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

Tips on swaddling babies?

YES. I would like to explain some benefits and reasons that should lead you to swaddle your new born baby.

Swaddling your baby for the first couple of weeks after birth is a good way to make this transition easier for them.

It helps baby “feel safe” and not alone during uncomfortable periods (like the beginning of their lives away from their mother.)

1. Your baby can’t roll over while swaddled. Yes, they will probably roll over eventually after they get a little bigger, but swaddling will keep them from doing so while they are still so tiny and vulnerable.

2. Swaddling makes your baby feel more safe and cozy. It is believed by many that swaddling offers 

What are some ways to swaddle your baby?

Muslin Cloth

You should swaddle your baby with a muslin cloth that should be clean.  After the cloth is washed it should be dried in the shade .  Some more safety  measures that  you need to follow  are listed below   

Be sure that the baby is calm and wriggle free before you begin the process.  Try avoiding the creative activities when you are swaddling  your baby.

Never swaddle your baby if he is already awake as it will cause confusion in his brain.  He may not be able to sleep when he is already sleeping or completely awake. 

Love to Dream Swaddle

Love to Dream Swaddle UP is the only zip-up swaddle available that allows your baby to sleep in the arms UP position. 

The Swaddle UP requires no complicated wrapping, so everyone can swaddle right every time. Unlike traditional swaddles, the unique arms UP design of the Swaddle UP replicates your baby's behaviour in the womb, allowing movement of their hands to self-soothe.

This is proven to give your baby a better quality sleep and be beneficial for their ongoing development.


Swaddling is an excellent way to calm your baby and help them sleep better. While some people think that swaddling your baby for longer than an hour will cause developmental problems, it actually aids in sleep and development.

Swaddling your baby helps them to be calm and wriggle free, and is a great nighttime activity. 

If you haven't been swaddling your baby, you may want to explore.

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Money Saving Daddy

About the author

Hello Everyone! This is Don, sharing my journey here to find the most value buy. Not the cheapest, but making the best value of your dollar. :)

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