March 18


Tokidoki Luggage Selling at Carousell ~ $200

By Money Saving Daddy

Everything also can sell at Carousell one. Since the limited stock cabin size Tokidoki luggage is launched on 15th March. 

You start to see the Entrepreneurs selling their unlocked legendary item at Carousell.

Pricing at the range of $200. Some even sell at $300 leh.

For something that you redeem after spending $688.

$190 can get 4 tins of milk powder leh. If you can afford this $200, you definitely can afford the $688 lah. 

But the cost will probably get higher as time goes by. Because only 500 nia.

Got people willing to offer $150 for this also. 

Wah piang! 

So either you spend $200 for this luggage at Carousell or you spend $688 at Changi Airport using my Tokidoki $688 Guide and get this luggage for free. 

Willing Buyer, Willing Seller.

Your choice.

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Money Saving Daddy

About the author

Hello Everyone! This is Don, sharing my journey here to find the most value buy. Not the cheapest, but making the best value of your dollar. :)

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