The Ultimate Guide to Making Army Stew at Home

By Money Saving Daddy

24 May 2024

I actually tried once eating Army Stew at a coffeeshop.

The taste was quite bad that I actually felt my own recipe was nicer.

So after a few occasion of preparing Army Stew at home; I might as well document a recipe myself.

Getting Started with Army Stew

What is Army Stew?

Army Stew, also known as Budae Jjigae, is a beloved Korean dish that combines a mix of unique ingredients for a flavorful and hearty meal.

Originating after the Korean War, this stew incorporates American processed foods with traditional Korean flavors, creating a comforting and delicious dish that is perfect for sharing.

In this guide, you will learn how to make Army Stew at home with easy-to-follow steps and common ingredients.

Whether you are new to cooking or a seasoned pro, this beginner-friendly guide will help you whip up a tasty DIY Army Stew that will impress everyone.

It is one of the most simple dish to prepare, especially for beginners. 

Ingredients You Will Need

To create Army Stew at home, gather the following ingredients. Do not worry; these are easy to find at most supermarkets - Sheng Shiong, NTUC, Giant.

Key Ingredients

  • Luncheon Meat and Sausages: Essential for that unique, savory flavor.
  • Sliced Meat: Beef, Pork, Chicken of your choice
  • Kimchi: Adds a tangy, spicy kick.
  • Tofu: For texture and protein.
  • Cheese Tofu
  • Enoki Mushrooms
  • Some other mushrooms of your choice
  • Green Vegetables of your choice
  • Fishballs
  • Crab Sticks
  • Instant Noodle  (Best is korean one, so you can use their seasoning for added flavor)

Broth ingredients:

  • 2 Table Spoon of Gochujang: Korean chili paste that gives the broth its signature taste. 
  • 3 - 5 x Chicken or Beef Stock of Your Choice. (I usually go for Chicken Stock) 1 Stock cube to 1 Litre of water. You probably need 3-5 litres of water in the pot for 4-6 pax.
  • 1 Clove Minced Fresh Garlic: For the spice aroma
  • 2 Table Spoon of Mirin
  • 1 Table Spoon of Soya Sauce
  • 4 - 6 Craft Cheese (To be added on later, do not use Mozzarella or those gourmet cheese)

Preparing the Ingredients

Cutting and Preparing the Meat

Start by slicing the luncheon meat and sausages into bite-sized pieces. This ensures they cook evenly and are easy to eat. Set them aside.

I usually airfry the luncheon meat so it is more crispy instead of very soft after being boiled.

Prepping the Vegetables

Slice the onions, mushrooms, and green onions. Cut the tofu into cubes. Having all your ingredients ready before cooking makes the process smoother and more enjoyable.

Making the Stew

Combining the Ingredients

In a large pot, arrange the luncheon meat, sausages, kimchi, tofu, and sliced vegetables. This helps the flavors blend together perfectly.

Adding the Broth

Pour the boiling chicken or beef stock over the ingredients in the pot.

Ensure the stock covers everything well. 

Adjust the amount of gochujang based on your spice preference.

Cooking the Stew

Heat the pot and bring the broth to a gentle boil.

Allow it to cook for about 4-5 minutes. This is the perfect timing for the instant noodles to become cooked and springy.

The other ingredients will also release their flavors into the broth, making it rich and tasty.

Serving and Enjoying

Serving Suggestions

Serve the Army Stew hot, straight from the pot. It is best enjoyed with a bowl of steamed rice and a side of kimchi. Pair it with some cold beer or soju for a complete Korean dining experience.

Tips and Variations

Experimenting with Ingredients

Feel free to experiment with different ingredients.

Some people like to add cheese Tofu, baked beans, or even instant rice cakes.

The possibilities are endless, so get creative and make the stew your own.

We added in fish dumpling, prawn dumpling, prawn paste, and the infamous Ling Ling Roll.


Making Army Stew at home is a fun and rewarding experience.

With this guide, you have all the information you need to create a delicious and comforting meal. 

Gather your ingredients, follow the steps, and enjoy a hearty bowl of DIY Army Stew with your loved ones.

Happy cooking!

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Money Saving Daddy

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Hello Everyone! This is Don, sharing my journey here to find the most value buy. Not the cheapest, but making the best value of your dollar. :)

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