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Cracking the Code: How Distance Affects Primary School Admission in Singapore

By Money Saving Daddy

24 Jun 2024

Counting down to July 2024! And yes I am right in the thick of it, just like many of you, trying to navigate the primary school admissions maze here in Singapore. 

Before the distance thingy, here's the primary 1 phase application that every parent should read up too.

It feels like everyone is talking about the importance of how close you live to the school.

So, let's break this down together.

Priority Admission Basics

Here is the deal: If a primary school has more kids applying than spots available, they use a priority system.

This system considers two main factors: your child's citizenship and how close you live to the school.

It is all about making sure kids who live nearby have a better chance of getting in.

Makes sense, right?

The Home-School Distance Categories

The Ministry of Education (MOE) divides the home-school distance into six categories to prioritize who gets in first. Here is the lineup:

1. Singapore Citizens (SC) Living Within 1km

This is the golden ticket. If you are a Singapore Citizen living within 1km of the school, you get top priority. Your chances are highest here.

2. SCs Living Between 1km and 2km

Next up are SCs who live between 1km and 2km. Still a good spot, but not as high as those within 1km.

3. SCs Living Outside 2km

If you live beyond 2km, you come next in line. Lower priority but still ahead of Permanent Residents.

4. Permanent Residents (PR) Living Within 1km

PRs within 1km are considered after all the SCs. It's decent, but SCs have the upper hand.

5. PRs Living Between 1km and 2km

Your priority drops a bit more here. You are still ahead of PRs living beyond 2km.

6. PRs Living Outside 2km

This is the last category. It is the lowest priority, but it is still worth a shot.

Tips for Navigating the Priority Admission System

- Research Early: Start looking into schools well before the admission phase. Understand the Home-School Distance calculation and check out past balloting results.

- Visit Schools: Attend open houses and school tours. Seeing a school in person can give you a better feel than just reading about it.

- Plan Your Move: If you are considering moving, plan carefully. Budget for the move and think about timing.

- Stay Informed: Keep up with the latest MOE guidelines and any changes in the admission process.

- Manage Expectations: Be prepared for different outcomes. Sometimes, backup plans turn out to be great choices.


Navigating the primary school admission process in Singapore is no walk in the park, but understanding how distance affects priority can help you plan better and reduce some of that stress. 

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Money Saving Daddy

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Hello Everyone! This is Don, sharing my journey here to find the most value buy. Not the cheapest, but making the best value of your dollar. :)

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