Ultimate Checklist: Perfect Family Travel with Kids Guide

By Money Saving Daddy

18 Jun 2024

Ready to go on a holiday with the kiddos?

And when I say kids, it's like from baby stage to toddlers. 1 year old to like 6 years old.

Traveling with kids means a bit more preparation, but with this checklist, you will be all set.

Let us get started.


Prior your travel trip, I hope you have brought your kids out for activities before in Singapore. Maybe a staycation, or a full day activity to the zoo etc.

This is so you understand the pace of travelling with kids. It is usually 0.5x the pace.

As a couple, you can probably do 3-4 itinerary a day.

With kids, if you can do 2-3 itinerary consider quite good.

Planning Your Trip

Research and Booking


Choose places that are kid-friendly and fun for everyone. Think about places like Taiwan, Thailand, Japan or Australia.

They have plenty of activities for the whole family.

Some of our trips:


Book flights that match your kids’ sleep schedules to avoid any meltdowns.

Consider budget airlines like Scoot or Jetstar for great deals. If you can, pick direct flights to cut down on travel time.

Transit flight is a chore.

But if travelling to Hokkaido, really no choice gotta transit.


  • Expedia for comparing flight prices.
  • Scoot for budget flights.
  • Jetstar for low-cost flight options.


Look for family-friendly hotels or Airbnb rentals. Places that offer cribs, high chairs, and babysitting services can be a lifesaver. Websites like Booking.com have filters to help you find the right spot.

We usually try to find hotels with double queen beds. Tough but at least can sleep better.



Renting a car can be super handy, especially if you are exploring lots of different places or going on road trips.

If not, public transport can work too, especially in cities with good systems.


Documentation and Preparation

Passports and Visas

Make sure everyone’s passports are valid for at least six months beyond your travel dates. Check if you need visas and apply early to avoid last-minute rush.

Travel Insurance

Do not skimp on this. Get comprehensive travel insurance that covers medical emergencies, trip cancellations, and lost luggage.

Compare plans to get the best deal. I usually get FWD because most of the time they have ongoing promotions.

Use my FWD referral code to get more discount.

Copies of Important Documents

Keep both digital and physical copies of essential documents like passports, visas, insurance, and booking confirmations.

Store digital copies in a secure cloud service like Google Drive or Dropbox.

Packing Essentials

General Packing Tips


  • Weather-appropriate clothes
  • Extra outfits for kids
  • Layering options
  • Hats and sunglasses


  • Comfortable walking shoes
  • Versatile shoes for different terrains

Swimwear and Beach Gear

  • Swimwear
  • Goggles
  • Beach toys
  • UV-protective swimwear

Kid-Specific Items


  • Extra outfits
  • Pajamas
  • Jackets or sweaters


  • Diapers
  • Wipes
  • Child-friendly soap and shampoo
  • Sunscreen
  • Travel-sized first aid kit (band-aids, antiseptic cream, pain relievers)

Food and Snacks

  • Non-perishable snacks (biscuits, dried fruit, nuts)
  • Bottles and formula for babies
  • Portable cooler bag


  • Books
  • Small toys
  • Electronic devices with headphones
  • Pre-downloaded movies, shows, and games

Health and Safety

First Aid Kit

  • Band-aids
  • Antiseptic wipes
  • Digital thermometer
  • Prescription medications
  • Over-the-counter meds for fever, allergies, motion sickness
  • Emergency contact card

Health Essentials

  • Face masks
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Travel-sized disinfectant wipes
  • Health certificates or vaccination records (if required)

On the Go

Travel Gear

Stroller or Baby Carrier

Choose based on convenience and destination. If you have a toddler in tow, just bring along the stroller. It is easier to push the stroller than to carry the toddler for the entire trip.

Car Seats

Portable car seat if renting a car. Ensure it meets safety standards. And if they are charging excessively for car seat. Usually it cost $10 - $20 per car seat per trip.

We encounter those charging $60 - $80 per trip. I brought my own car seat that time.

Comfort Items

Travel pillows, blankets, and favorite stuffed animals can make a big difference on long flights or car rides. They help create a sense of familiarity and comfort for your child.

Tech and Gadgets


Travel Day Tips

At the Airport

Arrive early to manage check-ins and security smoothly. Keep kids entertained with small activities or explore the airport’s play areas. Changi Airport in Singapore, for example, has excellent family-friendly facilities, including play areas and nursing rooms.


During the Flight

Bring comfort items like a favorite blanket or toy. Plan for in-flight entertainment with tablets loaded with movies, shows, and games. Encourage kids to move around periodically to avoid restlessness. Some airlines offer kid-friendly meals and activity packs, so request these when booking.

Kids Activity

Essential Flight Items

  • Snacks (easy-to-eat, non-messy)
  • Refillable water bottles
  • Wet wipes and hand sanitizer
  • Extra clothes (in case of spills or accidents)
  • Blankets and travel pillows
  • Inflatable leg rest
  • Travel Air Pump
  • Medicines (in case of motion sickness or other needs)

Upon Arrival

Check your accommodation for child safety, such as securing loose wires and ensuring windows are locked.

Unpack the essentials first, like toiletries and pajamas, to settle in quickly. Plan a low-key first day to help everyone adjust to the new environment and time zone.


Traveling with kids does not have to be stressful. With this comprehensive checklist, you will be well-prepared to handle anything that comes your way.

Remember, flexibility is key, and the most important thing is to enjoy the journey with your family.

Happy travels!

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Money Saving Daddy

About the author

Hello Everyone! This is Don, sharing my journey here to find the most value buy. Not the cheapest, but making the best value of your dollar. :)

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