Best Places to Cycle for Toddlers in Singapore

By Money Saving Daddy

07 Jun 2024

Cycling is a fantastic way for toddlers to have fun while developing their motor skills. More activities = Less screentime right.

And this activity is one of our favourite activity. Because you can cover more distance, more scenery for the same duration.

And Singapore offers a variety of safe and enjoyable spots for little ones to ride their bicycles.

Here are some of the top spots for toddlers to enjoy cycling in Singapore:

Punggol Waterway Park Connector

Punggol Waterway Park Connector is a lovely place for a family cycling trip. The smooth, flat paths are safe for toddlers, and they can enjoy riding along the water.

The park's beautiful scenery and numerous play areas make it a favorite spot for many families. The paths along the water and the lush greenery make it a peaceful and enjoyable ride for everyone.

Sometimes you  can spot some monitor lizards, monkeys or squirrels along the pathway.

Sengkang Riverside Park Connector

Sengkang Riverside Park which connects from Punngol Park Connector, offers a similar setting with wide, flat cycling paths that are perfect for toddlers.

The park's beautiful views of the river and lush greenery make it a delightful spot for a leisurely ride with young children. The calm atmosphere and scenic environment make it an ideal place for families to spend quality time together.

Pasir Ris Park

Pasir Ris Park is a fantastic spot for family cycling.

The park features wide cycling paths that are safe for toddlers, along with a large playground and beautiful coastal views.

The park's serene environment makes it a great place for a leisurely family outing.

The paths are well-maintained, providing a safe and enjoyable experience for little cyclists.

There is also playground at Pasir Ris Park. If the kids get tired of cycling, I doubt they will say no to playground.

Great way to expend their energy!

Sports Hub

The Sports Hub is a great place for toddlers to cycle.

The dedicated paths around the stadium are safe and spacious. There is plenty of open space for the little ones to explore and have fun.

The cycling paths provide a secure environment for toddlers to practice their riding skills while enjoying the vibrant atmosphere of the Sports Hub.

The best thing is, it's a closed circuit. You just go round and round. Parking is easy, and if you need o get some food there is always Kallang Wave Mall.

Perfect place!

Marina Bay

Marina Bay is a beautiful place for a cycling trip.

The flat routes along the waterfront are perfect for toddlers. As you cycle, you can enjoy the stunning views of the iconic skyline.

The lively atmosphere makes it an enjoyable spot for families to spend time together and create wonderful memories.

Then you can go in the aircon Marina Bay Sands for a quick refreshment before heading home.


Singapore offers a variety of parks and connectors perfect for toddler cycling, ensuring fun and safe adventures for the whole family.

From the scenic Punggol Waterway Park Connector to the vibrant Marina Bay, there are plenty of spots to explore and create wonderful memories.

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Money Saving Daddy

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Hello Everyone! This is Don, sharing my journey here to find the most value buy. Not the cheapest, but making the best value of your dollar. :)

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