KidZania Singapore Strategy Guide for Parents

By Money Saving Daddy

04 Jun 2024

Planning a trip to KidZania Singapore can be both exciting and overwhelming.

I thought was like just buy the ticket and appear there. Then let the kids wander about.

Noooooooo! Wrong!

There much more to this. It is totally different from like going to Kiztopia. It is more like going to Singapore Zoo.

So big, and what to do first and what timing etc.


To help you make the most of your visit, we have compiled a strategy guide that covers everything from booking tickets to navigating the various stations.

With this guide, you and your kids can enjoy a fun-filled day without the chaos. (Still chaotic one lah)

1. Booking Tickets

1.1. Online Discounts

  • Advance Booking: Book your tickets online well in advance to take advantage of discounts. KidZania often offers promotions, so keep an eye out for these deals. When we planned our trip, we managed to snag tickets at 50% off, which was a fantastic deal. However, be cautious as sometimes the prices are marked up before discounts are applied.
  • Verify Prices: Double-check the final price to ensure you are getting a genuine discount. This way, you avoid any surprises at checkout and ensure you’re actually saving money.

1.2. Best Times to Visit

  • Weekdays: If possible, visit on a weekday to avoid the weekend crowds. We found that even on a weekday, it could get quite busy, so weekends might be even more chaotic.
  • Early Arrival: Aim to arrive early, around 9.30 am, to maximize your time and get ahead in the queues. We arrived at 10.30 am and we already missed out the popular rides time tags.

2. Preparing for the Day

2.1. Packing Essentials

  • Snacks and Water: Pack some light snacks and water, as food options inside can run out quickly. On our visit, we heard that food ran out on the first day, so we grabbed some bites from Old Chang Kee before heading in. 
  • Comfortable Clothing: Dress your kids in comfortable clothes and shoes for a full day of activities. This will keep them comfortable and ready to participate in all the activities without any fuss.

2.2. Pre-Registration

  • Online Pre-Registration: Complete the online pre-registration, including a selfie, to speed up the check-in process. This will allow you to use the face recognition technology for quick entry. We found this feature very handy as it made our check-in process smooth and hassle-free.

3. Navigating KidZania

3.1. Understanding Time Tags

  • Time Tags Overview: Popular stations like the fire station require time tags for entry. These are allocated in specific time slots. We learned this the hard way when we missed out on the early slots.
  • Booking Time Tags: Arrive at least 15-30 minutes before the time tag queue opens to secure a slot for popular activities. We realized that by arriving early for time tags, we could secure better slots for the kids.
  • Popular Activities to arrive even earlier (45mins at  least ) - Fire Station, Airplane, Hospital/Ambulance ride

3.2. Station Strategies

  • Start with Popular Stations: Head to popular stations like the fire station first to secure a spot. Use the manual queue if time tags are fully redeemed. We managed to get into the fire station by using the manual queue when the time tags were all taken. We queued for 1.5 hrs.
  • Mix of Activities: Balance high-demand stations with those that have shorter queues, such as KidZ Stadium and the Hospital Play area. This way, the kids remained engaged while waiting for their turn at the more popular stations.

4. Maximizing the Experience

4.1. Diverse Activities

  • Educational Stations: Encourage your kids to try educational activities like the Kiss 92 FM DJ Station and the Nikon Photography Station. These provide valuable learning experiences in a fun environment. Our kids enjoyed being DJs and photographers, which were both educational and entertaining.
  • Physical Activities: Include stations like KidZ Stadium for some physical playtime, allowing kids to burn off energy. This was a hit with our kids, as they got to play various sports and games.
  • So imagine you gotta wait 1 hr to 1.5 hrs to join in the station. Might as well go for stations with shorter queues.

4.2. Managing Queues

  • Queue Management: While one parent queues for a popular activity, the other can take the kids to explore nearby stations. This keeps the kids engaged and maximizes their time. We found this strategy very effective in managing the long waits.
  • Lunch Breaks: Plan lunch breaks around quieter times, such as while waiting for a time tag queue to open. This way, you can avoid the rush and ensure the kids are well-fed and ready for more activities.

5. Dealing with Challenges

5.1. Handling Crowds

  • Stay Patient: Be prepared for long waits and occasional confusion, especially during peak times. Patience is key to ensuring a pleasant experience. We had to remind ourselves to stay calm amidst the chaos.
  • Staff Assistance: Do not hesitate to ask staff for help or clarification on time tags and station locations. The staff were quite helpful in guiding us through the process.

5.2. Backup Plans

  • Alternative Activities: Have a list of backup activities in case your first choice is fully booked. Stations like Shopee Courier Delivery and Urbano’s Atom Science Lab are great alternatives. This helped us keep the kids engaged even when we missed out on a few popular stations.

5.3. Go in Big Groups

  • At least 3 to 4 Parents: Going in big groups allow you to queue for different stations at the same time so you can maximize and optimized your waiting time.

6. End of the Day

6.1. Final Activities

  • Relaxing Stations: End the day with relaxing activities like the KidZ Spa or Sunbalm Skin Care Session. These provide a calming conclusion to a busy day. The kids loved the spa session, which was a perfect way to wind down. Of course, gotta pay abit for the manicure.

6.2. Parent Lounge

  • Chillax and Relax: There is a parent lounge available where your kids can chillax and relax or even take a nap. This is a great spot to take a break if they get tired or overwhelmed. We found this very useful as it gave the kids a chance to recharge before continuing with more activities.


A trip to KidZania Singapore can be a memorable and educational experience for your kids.

By planning ahead and using this strategy guide, you can navigate the chaos and ensure a fun-filled day for the whole family.

Enjoy your adventure at KidZania! If you have friends going Kidzania soon, send them this guide!

- You may read our review on Kidzania or read others review on Tripadvisor and Google.

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Money Saving Daddy

About the author

Hello Everyone! This is Don, sharing my journey here to find the most value buy. Not the cheapest, but making the best value of your dollar. :)

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