How to Secure Your NDP 2024 Tickets: Ballot Starts Today

By Money Saving Daddy

27 May 2024

The NDP is a significant event in Singapore, celebrating our nation's independence with a grand parade, performances, and fireworks.

Attending the NDP is a special experience that brings a sense of pride and unity among Singaporeans.

Padang NDP

For this year, the celebration will be held at Padang.

Padang NDP happens once every 5 years since 1995. 

The Padang holds a special place in Singapore's history and identity. Hosting the NDP at the Padang adds a unique and meaningful layer to the celebration.

  • Historical Significance: The Padang has been the site of many historical events, including the first National Day Parade in 1966. It is a symbol of Singapore's journey and progress.
  • Unique Atmosphere and Setting: The open field and surrounding architecture create a majestic backdrop, enhancing the celebratory atmosphere. The Padang's central location in the heart of the city makes it accessible and iconic.

Understanding the Ballot System

The NDP ticket ballot is a fair way to distribute tickets due to high demand. Here is how it works:

  • Application Period: The ballot opens today and will close on 10 June 2024 at 12:00pm (SGT).
  • Eligibility: All Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents can apply.
  • Singpass Requirement: A Singpass account logged in on the Singpass mobile app is required to submit an application. If you do not have a Singpass account, you can register for one if you are aged 15 and above, seek assistance from a family member, or visit a ServiceSG Centre for help.
  • One Ballot Chance Per Applicant: Each applicant, identified via NRIC with Singpass login or NRIC submitted on behalf by a Singpass user, is entitled to one ballot chance. Only the latest submission will be considered.
  • Ticket Options: Applicants can choose to apply for two (2), four (4), or six (6) tickets for any of the three NDP shows:
    • NDP Preview 1 on 27 July 2024
    • NDP Preview 2 on 3 August 2024
    • NDP 2024 on 9 August 2024

For more detailed information, visit the official NDP ticketing page.

Tips for a Successful Ballot Application

Just ballot and wait for outcome.

  • 2 tickets has better chance than 4 or 6 tickets
  • Non actual day may have lesser people balloting because actual day is a holiday anyways. Preview is usually on a Saturday anyways.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I apply for NDP 2024 tickets?
You can apply online through the official NDP website during the ballot period.

Can I apply for more than one ticket?
Yes, you can choose to apply for two (2), four (4), or six (6) tickets for any of the three NDP shows.

What happens if I do not get a ticket in the ballot?
If you are not successful, consider alternative viewing options such as live broadcasts.

How will I know if I have secured a ticket?
Successful applicants will receive notification via the email address provided during the application process, from 21 to 25 June 2024.

Remember to check both the inbox and spam/junk mail folders. 

What are the different types of NDP tickets?
Tickets are categorized based on seating locations and special groups such as families or seniors.

Can I transfer my NDP ticket to someone else?
No, tickets are generally non-transferable to prevent scalping.

What should I bring on the day of the parade?
Bring your ticket, identification, and any items specified by the organizers, such as a water bottle and sun protection.


Securing NDP 2024 tickets through the ballot can be a competitive process. 

Do not miss the opportunity to be part of this patriotic celebration.

Apply today and join in the festivities that make NDP a memorable experience for all.

May the best man win!


For more detailed information, visit the official NDP ticketing page.

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Money Saving Daddy

About the author

Hello Everyone! This is Don, sharing my journey here to find the most value buy. Not the cheapest, but making the best value of your dollar. :)

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