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How to DIY Your Own Maternity Confinement without a Confinement Nanny

By Money Saving Daddy

31 May 2024

We had a horrible experience with our first confinement nanny. So the 2nd kid, we decided to DIY our own confinement.

Save the $3000 and sanity also.

Of course, we need to plan in advance also lah. Because confinement consists on a few portion.

Our Background

We don't have much support from our parents and in-laws and recently we hired a helper.

Hence we can DIY our own confinement.

But even without helper, I think this is still possible except if you have OCD on the house chores la.

The Purpose of Confinement

Maternity confinement, known as "zuo yue zi" in Mandarin, is a traditional practice aimed at helping new mothers recover from childbirth. It emphasizes rest, nutritious food, and avoiding certain activities.

Benefits of Confinement

Confinement offers numerous benefits such as faster recovery, improved lactation, and overall well-being.

 Knowing these benefits can motivate you to stick to your DIY plan.

Planning Your Confinement Period

Setting Up a Confinement Space

Creating a comfortable and cozy space at home is essential.

Ensure your bedroom is equipped with all the necessities like comfortable bedding, baby essentials, and a small table for snacks and drinks.

Stocking Up on Essentials

Before the baby arrives, stock up on essentials like diapers, baby clothes, maternity pads, and nutritious foods. This preparation can save you stress and time later.

Confinement Food

The most headache thing about confinement is preparing confinement food.

If you hire a confinement nanny and the nanny cooking is good or suitable for you then you heng lah. Most nanny can cook confinement food. Whether good or not that is another question.

So when we DIY our maternity confinement. Is either we cook or we order from caterer.

If You Cook

You need to buy groceries and most of the time fresh one.

So need to go market, go supermarket. 1 week go at least 2-3 times to get the freshest catch.

Of course, you can also order online but sometimes you need to clock $60 for seafood or $30 for vegetables.

How to accumulate these amount per order if you only have 2-3 adults eating at home?

So, imagine if you got supermarketing. It takes 1 hour to and fro. Then you start preparing the vegetables, fish and meat.

1 meal probably need 30mins to prepare and 1 hour to cook.

So daily a meal, you spend around 2-3 hours to prepare a meal (lunch and dinner).

Like that, 4 hours gone already. 

Unless you have your parents or in-laws to prepare for you lah.

Meal Planning and Prep

If you still decide to cook, you can plan your meals ahead of time. 

Batch cooking and freezing meals can be a lifesaver, ensuring you have healthy options without the hassle of daily cooking.

Order Confinement Food from Caterer

So we decided to order the confinement food from caterer.

At that time, there are a few selections.

We were deciding between

  • Nouriche
  • Tian Wei Signature
  • Chilli Padi 

As we stay in the East, and Chilli Padi central kitchen is at the East. So was thinking if delivery in the same area, the food should be still as warm.

So we went for Chilli Padi.

Other Tingkat Food 

If confinement tingkat food is too expensive, you can also consider other ting kat food at a lower pricing.

So long there is soup and the review is decent; I think still good enough.

Managing Baby Care

Establishing a Routine

Babies thrive on routine. Establish a feeding, sleeping, and bathing schedule early on. This not only helps your baby feel secure but also gives you a sense of control.

We used an app, BabyTime to help us record the activities and routine so that we know how much the baby sleeps, how much she drinks how many she poop or pee and diaper change.

Handling Common Newborn Issues

Be prepared to deal with common newborn issues like diaper rash, colic, and feeding difficulties.

Having remedies and solutions on hand can ease the stress.

I think Colic is one of the most feared issues for parents. That is why alot of milk bottle want to prevent colic. And remember things like gripe water too?

How to Shower the Newborn

Preparing for the Shower

Before starting, gather all the necessary items: baby soap, a soft washcloth, a towel, clean clothes, and a fresh diaper.

Fill the bathtub or basin with warm water, ensuring the temperature is comfortable for your baby (about 37°C).

Showering the Baby

Gently hold your baby in one arm, supporting the head and neck. Use your free hand to wash the baby, starting with the face and moving down to the rest of the body.

Be sure to clean the folds of the skin, and rinse thoroughly.

After the bath, wrap your baby in a soft towel and gently pat them dry before dressing them in clean clothes.

It seems easy and scary for the first time. But when you get your hands on it, it will get easy as it goes.

How to Feed the Newborn

Breastfeeding Basics

Breastfeeding is highly recommended due to the numerous benefits it offers both mother and baby.

Find a comfortable position, whether it is sitting up or lying down.

Ensure your baby latches properly by placing the nipple in their mouth and encouraging a wide latch.

Feed on demand, typically every 2-3 hours, and switch breasts during each feeding.

Usually before Mummy discharge, the nurse or doctor will give some orientation on latching and breastfeeding.

Formula Feeding

If you choose to formula feed, you can select an infant formula of your choice.

Follow the instructions on the formula packaging for the correct mixing ratios.

Sterilize bottles and nipples before use to ensure hygiene.

Feed your baby in a semi-upright position to prevent choking and always burp them after feeding to release any trapped air.

Self-Care During Confinement

Physical Recovery

Postpartum recovery is crucial. Gentle exercises, adequate rest, and proper hygiene practices can speed up your recovery and help you regain strength.

For mummies, Listen to what the doctor says. Always listen to the professionals.

Emotional Well-being

Do not overlook your mental health.

Simple activities like journaling, light reading, and staying connected with friends can uplift your spirits. If you can also start a blog to document your journey too.

Seeking Help and Support

Involving Family Members

Involve your spouse, parents, or siblings in the confinement process. Delegating tasks can lighten your load and allow you to focus on recovery.

Your spouse or parents will definitely be a good help.

Community Resources

Leverage community resources such as support groups, online forums, and healthcare services.

They can provide valuable advice and support. Then again, always listen to the professionals.

If your baby is having fever, do not need to post facebook and ask.

Just bring to the hospital immediately.


DIY maternity confinement might seem daunting, but with proper planning and support, it is entirely possible.

Remember, the goal is to ensure both you and your baby are healthy and happy.

By following this guide, you can confidently navigate through this special period and emerge stronger.

Happy parenting!

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Money Saving Daddy

About the author

Hello Everyone! This is Don, sharing my journey here to find the most value buy. Not the cheapest, but making the best value of your dollar. :)

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