5 Best Short Trip Destination with Kids

By Money Saving Daddy

21 Jun 2024

Planning a short getaway with your toddlers from Singapore?

There are plenty of great spots nearby that are perfect for young families.

Here are the top five destinations that will keep your toddlers entertained and happy without too much hassle.

Best Destinations for A Short Trip with Kids

1. Legoland Malaysia, Johor Bahru

Just a short drive across the Causeway, Legoland Malaysia is perfect for toddlers.

The theme park has gentle rides, interactive shows, and play areas designed for young kids. There is also a water park with toddler-friendly splash zones.

With family-friendly rooms and plenty of dining options, it is a convenient and fun-filled destination.

2. Bintan Island, Indonesia

A quick ferry ride from Singapore, Bintan Island offers beautiful beaches and resorts with excellent facilities for toddlers.

Many resorts have kids' clubs, shallow pools, and play areas. 

Activities like building sandcastles, exploring nature, and enjoying gentle water sports are great for little ones. It is a relaxing getaway for both parents and toddlers.

3. Desaru Coast, Malaysia

Located in Johor, Desaru Coast is ideal for a weekend trip with toddlers. 

The Desaru Coast Adventure Waterpark has shallow pools and splash zones suitable for young children.

The area also offers beautiful beaches where toddlers can play in the sand and calm waters.

Family-friendly resorts with kids' clubs and babysitting services make it an easy trip.

4. Malacca, Malaysia

Rich in history and culture, Malacca can be fun and educational for toddlers too.

They will enjoy the Malacca River Cruise, which is a gentle boat ride. The Malacca Zoo is another highlight with a variety of animals to see.

The Jonker Street night market has child-friendly food options and fun trinkets.

The city’s mix of attractions makes it a great spot for families with young children.

5. Batam, Indonesia

Similar to Bintan, Batam is just a short ferry ride from Singapore, Batam offers many family-friendly resorts with facilities for toddlers.

These include kids' pools, play areas, and babysitting services. 

Families can enjoy calm beaches, visit the indoor playgrounds, or take a trip to the shopping mall in the city.

Batam is also known for its affordable shopping and dining options, making it a budget-friendly choice.


Traveling with toddlers from Singapore can be simple and enjoyable.

These nearby destinations offer a variety of activities that cater to young families, ensuring everyone has a great time.

Have you visited any of these places with your toddlers?

Share your tips and experiences in the comments below!

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Money Saving Daddy

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Hello Everyone! This is Don, sharing my journey here to find the most value buy. Not the cheapest, but making the best value of your dollar. :)

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