3 Days 2 Night – Desaru Adventure with Kids

By Money Saving Daddy

14 Jun 2024

After the border reopens between Singapore and Malaysia; I am very hesitant to go Malaysia with kids.

The jam at the custom really powerpack that you tio those 3 to 5 hours jam can go crazy already.

So this week, a friend jio go Desaru. He say, we meet 6am go in so avoid the jam.

This really sounds like a great idea. But we late abit, meet 6.30am.

Day 1: Adventure Begins

6:30 AM - Meet Up in Singapore Via Tuas Checkpoint

Location:Via Tuas Checkpoint, Singapore

Because Woodlands starts to jam already so go we via Tuas Check point. The custom took us like 30mins to 45mins to clear. And once we clear, the first thing to do just top up petrol and the nearest R&R.

7:30 AM - Ta Si Xi Dim Sum at ECO Botanic

Location: Ta Si Xi Dim Sum, ECO Botanic, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Cost: Approximately RM 20-40 per person

So we googled, at this early wee hours only a few food places are open. Dim Sum is one of them.

So one of the popular dim sum is this 大四喜 Dim Sum. They have several outlets, but we choose the one nearer to Tuas side.

At 7.30am, there is already a crowd. Luckily we are able to get a table. Dim sum very traditional, old school and got staff ushering a tray of Dim Sum to let you choose from.

You can also order from the Menu.

Great selection I would say. The taste is better than average though. But at this hour, got Dim Sum eat and with kids around. I think it's already good enough.

9:00 AM - Supermarket Shopping at Lotus's Terbau

Location: Lotus's Terbau, Johor Bahru, Malaysia

So one of my friend usual itinerary is go the supermarket. I think that is a good idea to top up essentials and snack. There are numerous supermarket around the area. 

So we just get our usual snacks, and top up some milk powder because really good price!

Usually buy in Singapore S$20+; Down here if promo can get like S$15 - S$17+.

Hoot liao lah! 

10:00 AM - KF Kiddy Circuit - Mid Valley South Key 

Location: Mid Valley South Key
Cost: RM 80 for 24 mins.

This is the go Kart for kids; I think 5 years and above and ownself drive the kart. The speed is not too fast, but also safe for kids as well. There is a circuit to go already and they go by timing.

You can split into 8 mins x 3 or 12 mins x 2.

So we split in to 2 groups 12 mins x 2.

Because if go for 24 mins, very giddy. Just go round and round.

Definitely the kids enjoyed alot.

12:00 PM - Lunch

I think it is a horrible decision to have lunch at Mid Valley South Key at 12.30pm. Maybe 75% is all Singaporeans.

The queue at the Oriental coffee is super long. Everywhere has long queues.

So guess what we ate for lunch.

TMD Pizza Hut. Haha!

Because no queue. So we have no choice but to opt for this.

So if you finding something to eat at Mid Valley SouthKey and every where is long queue. You can go for Pizza Hut.

2:00 PM - Drive to Desaru

Drive: 70 - 80 mins

This is always the most shag timing to drive.

After lunch where the food coma kicks in. Then still gotta slowly drive to Desaru, while the kids nap in the car.

But also the best time to get them recharged.

3:00 PM - Desaru ATV Ride @ Desaru Fruit Farm

Location: Desaru Fruit Farm, Johor, Malaysia
Cost: RM 100-150 per ATV
Website: Desaru Fruit Farm

Enroute to our Hotel at Desaru, we decided a change of plan. Why not have some activities and dinner first before checking in the hotel.

It is a bit not efficient to check in and come out again for dinner since the kids are well rested in the car. Just the driver sibei shag only lor.

So we went the Desaru ATV and fruit farm where they have this ATV activities.

Lucky can fit in our family of 4.

There is a guide that we have to follow, cannot overtake. So we just slowly drive around the area.

So happen that it rained before that, so the area very muddy.

So what is ATV without the mud right?

5:00 PM - Dinner at Jade Garden Seafood

Location: Jade Garden Seafood Corner, Sungai Rengit, Johor, Malaysia
Cost: Depends on Menu. Crab price is RM150 / Kg

We were recommended this place, sibei end of Desaru where you can see the sea already

This one really seafood. So jade garden is probably famous for their seafood. Got lobster, crab, fish and many kinds of seafood.

We saw that crab price is like RM150 / kg. In comparison, Singapore crab at Tze Char is like $70-$90 / kg. 

But we budget abit, order some other ingredients instead.

The place is at the seaside, and they have aircon and non aircon seating. We opt for the non aircon seating because the aircon area like quite cold. 

6:30 PM - Sunset View at Yard & Co.

Location: Yard & Co., Desaru, Johor, Malaysia
Website: Yard & Co.

This is a very charming café with a stunning view of the sunset. You can really enjoy the serene atmosphere as you sip on a beverage and watch the sky change colors. But for us, we so happen to pop by during their sunset.

The colors of the sky is amazing. Of course, we can't help but keep taking photos to keep memory. There is also some area where the kids can play.

Not exactly for kids but as long as they are in a group, they can play anything.

As we just eaten and no more stomach for any beverage, we just wander around the area, take pictures and check out the cafe.

8:00 PM - Check-In at Hard Rock Hotel Desaru Coast

Location: Hard Rock Hotel Desaru Coast, Johor, Malaysia
Website: Hard Rock Hotel Desaru Coast

This is my first time staying a Hard Rock Cafe hotel. I always wandered what is the attraction of this place. After we checked in the place, I am still wondering as well.

The check in was smooth and we gotta our rooms quite immediate.  

It is quite a long walk to our rooms, but the rooms looks spacious and comfortable. The only  sad thing is no bath tub.

Our kids always enjoy bath tub.

After shower, all of us sibei tired.

Instantly just knocked out. We were out the whole day since 6.30am.

Day 2: Fun and Exploration

Breakfast at Hard Rock Hotel Desaru Coast

Location: Sessions Restaurant, Hard Rock Hotel Desaru Coast, Johor, Malaysia
Breakfast at the Hard Rock Hotel was a great start to our day. We went around 9am and there was already a crowded. It is one of the most amazing breakfast experience. I guess if there is more rooms = better amenities and more breakfast varities.

The breakfast buffet had a wide variety of options, and the kids were thrilled to try different foods.

My personal favorite was the prata and the yummy curry, while the kids loved the pancakes. 

11:00 AM - Adventure Water Park @ Hard Rock Desaru

The water theme park was a blast. The kids were enjoying at the water playground. The slides are actually quite fast for kids. Initially they are scare of the speed, but after a few tries, they are the dare devils already. There quite a number of attractions.

I feel that they offer much more kids activities than wild wild wet.

For certain stations, there are height restrictions. One of it is the paddle boat. Loti gets her fun, but guess Meimei gotta eat more vegetables to grow taller liao.

Sadly, halfway through the storm comes. So we ended our waterpark play earlier, head back to the hotel to wash up for our next activity.

2:00 PM - Coffee at Yard & Co.

Location: Yard & Co., Desaru, Johor, Malaysia

As we drove out, the kids doze off in the car. So we decided why not have some Me-Time and go to the cafe to get some coffee and chillax.

Decent coffee. Very minimalist kinda feel.

4:00 PM - Ostrich Farm Tour at Desaru

Location: Desaru Ostrich Farm, Johor, Malaysia
Cost: RM 20-35 per person
Website: Desaru Ostrich Farm

Next on our itinerary was the Desaru Ostrich Farm. They say they were the largest ostrich farm in Malaysia. Not sure real anot.

We started the farm with an educational talk by the Uncle. It was both educational and entertaining.

The kids were fascinated by the size of the ostriches and enjoyed feeding them.

We even got to stand on an ostrich egg, which was surprisingly strong. For a fee, you can also take an ostrich ride and have a photo shoot with it.

We probably spent like 1 hour+ at the farm.

6:00 PM - Dinner at Restoran Terapung Seafood Bujang Firefly

Location: Restoran Terapung Seafood Bujang Firefly, Tanjung Surat, Johor, Malaysia
Website: Restoran Terapung Seafood Bujang Firefly

I vaguely remember Desaru have some firefly excursion going on. So we googled and found this place. It is different from my previous experience, as I remember mine was a small boat kind.

The route to the restaurant was a little off road kind. We were lucky that we travelled there at 6pm because there is still light. So if you come after sunset, the route is dark so have to be careful.

So the firefly tour is operated by the restaurant. So why not have our dinner, and purchase the first ticket for the firefly tour.

While entering the restaurant, we were greeted by the "reception" with a lot of dinner packages. I start to think if they will carrot us a not.

However, the dinner meal package was much more reasonable than the ala carte. So we chose the dinner package.

Food is pretty average, but the seafood is delicious.

Some of the staff may not speak English, so if you have certain requirements or criteria in your diet then you may need to spend a bit time explaining.

8:00 PM - Firefly Tour

Location: Starting from Restoran Terapung Seafood Bujang Firefly, Tanjung Surat, Johor, Malaysia
Cost: Adult RM 20 | Kids RM 15

The firefly tour was definitely highlight of the night.

As we sailed along the river, the sight of thousands of fireflies lighting up the night was mesmerizing. The crew need to spray some water along the bushes to get the firefly to appear.

As we cruise near to the bushes, some of the fireflies also flew into the boat area.

The kids were in awe, and it felt like we were in a fairy tale.

Are fireflies real?  The kids will answer yes!

This was the perfect end to our day, leaving us with lasting memories.

Day 3: Wrapping Up

Check Out of Hard Rock Hotel Desaru Coast

After our breakfast, we check out of Hard Rock Cafe Hotel. It was a breeze. Carpark fees are included in the hotel stay so no complaints!

Lunch at Mount Austin - Likemee Noodle House

Location: Likemee Noodle House, Mount Austin, Johor, Malaysia
Website: Likemee Noodle House

We were introduced to this Noodle house. Not bad the broth thick and delicious. The noodle sauce also just nice that the kids like it.

No wonder call Like Mee. 😛


We made our way slowly back to Singapore beucase we do not want to get caught in the Sunday evening jam. So we try to return as soon as we finish our lunch.

The parents are shag taking care of the kids but also delighted that the kids enjoyed their 3 days trip.

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Hello Everyone! This is Don, sharing my journey here to find the most value buy. Not the cheapest, but making the best value of your dollar. :)

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